Mary Maxwell
Mary Maxwell has been a winner of the Discovery/The Nation Award, the recipient of a fellowship from the Camargo Foundation, and a visiting artist/scholar at the American Academy in Rome. The author of five collections (her first-book manuscript was a finalist for the Yale Younger Poets Prize, the Walt Whitman Award and the National Poetry Series, among other competitions) and an audio chapbook, her poems have appeared in The New Republic, Paris Review, Southern Review, Yale Review, and elsewhere. She studied English literature at Bryn Mawr College, then Classics and Medieval Studies at Columbia University. Her translations of classical and medieval poetry have been published in The American Voice, Literary Imagination, Vanitas and the anthology Latin Lyric and Elegiac Poetry. Her essays on prosody and translation (to be published as a collection next year) were first published in Arion, Threepenny Review, Pequod, and Raritan. This September she performed at the Cotuit Center for the Arts with the esteemed Baroque cellist Phoebe Carrai in Word Suite, a collaboration of poetry and selections from Bach’s Cello Suites. Learn more at .