John Shuman

John Shuman is a theatre actor and director who has been based in Wellfleet for the last few years. He started a New York career in Lanford Wilson’s Hot l Baltimore for the Circle Repertory Company. He then appeared on and off Broadway and in regional theatres all over the country. For the last ten years he has been performing the solo play Underneath the Lintel by Glen Berger, including at Payomet last summer. Other Cape Cod performing appearances have been at WHAT and the Cape Playhouse in Dennis. He has taught at the Bread Loaf School of English (Middlebury College) in Vermont and conducted improvisation workshops for adults and children. Locally he taught improv at Wellfleet Elementary School. He has been an aficionado of A. R. Gurney since being introduced to theatre as a child and considers him one of the premiere playwrights of our generation.


Jim Sefcik


Jan Sidebotham