American Prosodies
Mary Maxwell
April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9
Fridays, 1-3
Wellfleet Library
Following up on last year's Open University "What is a Poem?" course, this class will revisit the discussion in relation to late 20th- and early 21st - century American poetry. Even while contemporary poets continue to draw on the received tradition (Bradstreet, Dickinson, Whitman, Longfellow,et al.), poetic fundamentals are being radically revisited and reconsidered. Concepts as basic as the idea of what it means to write "American" are being readdressed and expanded by Anglophone poets.
In addition, ways of composing and distributing poems have radically altered; poetic content as well as sheer volume have expanded in extraordinary ways. The work of recent and present generations has been much enriched by such new approaches. We'll read and discuss some of these poets' more accessible poems, along with some of their most challenging offerings.
Although the syllabus will be built on the topical framework of last year's course, the instructor will also be proposing an overlapping set of poetic practice "clusters" as an aid to understanding the very wide range of contemporary poetry in English. (Class size will be limited to 20 attendees; no prerequisite)
Class One: Memory and Literacy, continued with reference to ethnography and ethnicity (Jerome Rothenberg; Cecilia Vicuña; Eduardo C. Corral, among others)
Class Two: Prosody and Dance, continued , with reference to The New York School, institutional reaction and influence (John Ashbery; Edwin Denby; Susan Wheeler, among others)
Class Three: American English, American Poems, continued, with reference to Black Mountain, Objectivism and LANGUAGE poetry (Charles Olson; Charles Reznikoff; Claudia Rankine, among others
Class Four: Incantation, Prophecy, Madness, continued, with reference to Naropa University and The Poetry Project (Allen Ginsburg; Ezra Pound; Anne Waldman, among others)
Class Five: Song's Larger Purposes, continued, with reference to ecopoetics, BLM, feminism and gender identity (Gary Snyder; Ishion Hutchinson; Layli Long Soldier, among others)
Remember: to register, first choose your courses and then complete your checkout by going to your cart.
Mary Maxwell
April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9
Fridays, 1-3
Wellfleet Library
Following up on last year's Open University "What is a Poem?" course, this class will revisit the discussion in relation to late 20th- and early 21st - century American poetry. Even while contemporary poets continue to draw on the received tradition (Bradstreet, Dickinson, Whitman, Longfellow,et al.), poetic fundamentals are being radically revisited and reconsidered. Concepts as basic as the idea of what it means to write "American" are being readdressed and expanded by Anglophone poets.
In addition, ways of composing and distributing poems have radically altered; poetic content as well as sheer volume have expanded in extraordinary ways. The work of recent and present generations has been much enriched by such new approaches. We'll read and discuss some of these poets' more accessible poems, along with some of their most challenging offerings.
Although the syllabus will be built on the topical framework of last year's course, the instructor will also be proposing an overlapping set of poetic practice "clusters" as an aid to understanding the very wide range of contemporary poetry in English. (Class size will be limited to 20 attendees; no prerequisite)
Class One: Memory and Literacy, continued with reference to ethnography and ethnicity (Jerome Rothenberg; Cecilia Vicuña; Eduardo C. Corral, among others)
Class Two: Prosody and Dance, continued , with reference to The New York School, institutional reaction and influence (John Ashbery; Edwin Denby; Susan Wheeler, among others)
Class Three: American English, American Poems, continued, with reference to Black Mountain, Objectivism and LANGUAGE poetry (Charles Olson; Charles Reznikoff; Claudia Rankine, among others
Class Four: Incantation, Prophecy, Madness, continued, with reference to Naropa University and The Poetry Project (Allen Ginsburg; Ezra Pound; Anne Waldman, among others)
Class Five: Song's Larger Purposes, continued, with reference to ecopoetics, BLM, feminism and gender identity (Gary Snyder; Ishion Hutchinson; Layli Long Soldier, among others)
Remember: to register, first choose your courses and then complete your checkout by going to your cart.
Mary Maxwell
April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9
Fridays, 1-3
Wellfleet Library
Following up on last year's Open University "What is a Poem?" course, this class will revisit the discussion in relation to late 20th- and early 21st - century American poetry. Even while contemporary poets continue to draw on the received tradition (Bradstreet, Dickinson, Whitman, Longfellow,et al.), poetic fundamentals are being radically revisited and reconsidered. Concepts as basic as the idea of what it means to write "American" are being readdressed and expanded by Anglophone poets.
In addition, ways of composing and distributing poems have radically altered; poetic content as well as sheer volume have expanded in extraordinary ways. The work of recent and present generations has been much enriched by such new approaches. We'll read and discuss some of these poets' more accessible poems, along with some of their most challenging offerings.
Although the syllabus will be built on the topical framework of last year's course, the instructor will also be proposing an overlapping set of poetic practice "clusters" as an aid to understanding the very wide range of contemporary poetry in English. (Class size will be limited to 20 attendees; no prerequisite)
Class One: Memory and Literacy, continued with reference to ethnography and ethnicity (Jerome Rothenberg; Cecilia Vicuña; Eduardo C. Corral, among others)
Class Two: Prosody and Dance, continued , with reference to The New York School, institutional reaction and influence (John Ashbery; Edwin Denby; Susan Wheeler, among others)
Class Three: American English, American Poems, continued, with reference to Black Mountain, Objectivism and LANGUAGE poetry (Charles Olson; Charles Reznikoff; Claudia Rankine, among others
Class Four: Incantation, Prophecy, Madness, continued, with reference to Naropa University and The Poetry Project (Allen Ginsburg; Ezra Pound; Anne Waldman, among others)
Class Five: Song's Larger Purposes, continued, with reference to ecopoetics, BLM, feminism and gender identity (Gary Snyder; Ishion Hutchinson; Layli Long Soldier, among others)
Remember: to register, first choose your courses and then complete your checkout by going to your cart.