John Dennis Anderson

John Dennis Anderson, a resident of Wellfleet, holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Communication Studies from Baylor University and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. A native of Texas, he moved to South Wellfleet in 2016 after retiring from teaching Communication and Performance Studies for 27 years at Emerson College in Boston. He has performed nationally in interactive solo performances as authors Henry James, William Faulkner, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway, and others. His introductory book on Faulkner was published by Greenwood Press in 2007. The National Communication Association presented him with the Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance in 2013 and the Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies. His website is . He appeared in The Glass Menagerie and Something Cloudy, Something Clear for the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival in September and previously in Casa Valentina and The Laramie Project at the Provincetown Theater. He is a member of the Truro Playwright Collective, a Trustee of the Helltown Players, and a Board Member of OUW.




Claude Kerven