Welcome to the Thirteenth Year of Open University of Wellfleet! 

OUW’s Spring Session courses are ready to welcome you.
We have nine classes in a variety of interesting areas to engage us all.

Plan to join a class in Spring Session.
Learn something new! Focus on an interest!

Latest News from Open U

What Students Have Said About OUW Courses:

"Loved her passion, her great guests, and the film. I learned more than I expected from this excellent teacher"

"I particularly appreciated the open discussion in a risk-free environment and the inclusive ambiance."

"I enjoyed hearing the different perspectives from a high-level discussion."

"Our teacher created a welcoming atmosphere that encouraged comaraderie both in class and at the social time afterward. I appreciated the sense of the group her teaching built."

"The class achieved a perfect balance of mini-lecture and directed discussion, encouraging active engagement."

"Thanks! This was a terrific learning experience!"